Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Closing The Loop On What Killed Water School On The Lakefront

A drippy, insufficient design for the Lakefront, says the Journal Sentinel's arts and architecture critic.

UWM can tuns this misstep into a winner with a cutting-edge designfor the School of Freshwater Science near the Harbor where it already has the Great Lakes WATER Institute.

And make the siting process a home run if it adds contiguously or nearby the new engineering and research campus now also sited inappropriately at the distant County Grounds, on top of vital open space, and in the heart of an approaching, eight-year highway expansion nightmare.


  1. The design was nonexistent. The concept was too large for the space. And the proposal was wrapped in the flag of entitlement - as if the shoreline could be used to assuage Milwaukee's fragile ego.

    Some of the designs that appeared later are spectacular, now they need only a smaller concept that warrants their presence. Otherwise I will be happy with a canoe launch.

  2. The real Lake Michigan research carried out by UWM takes place at the WATER Institute, on E. Greenfield and the Harbor, where the research boat is docked.

    That boat was not going to be docked at the Pieces of Eight site - - all arguing that water research, teaching and other activities be housed where they make the most sense: at an expanded WATER institute.

  3. The real Lake Michigan research carried out by UWM takes place at the WATER Institute, on E. Greenfield and the Harbor, where the research boat is docked.

    That boat was not going to be docked at the Pieces of Eight site - - all arguing that water research, teaching and other activities be housed where they make the most sense: at an expanded WATER institute.
