Sunday, April 26, 2009

Neumann Is A Big Problem For Walker

Former Cong. Mark Neumann's declared intention to run in the 2010 GOP gubernatorial primary is a big problem for Scott Walker, Milwaukee's County Executive and the other wannabe candidate.

Neumann is a flat-out conservative ideologue, which means he has more appeal to the intensely-right wing base of the party.

Walker has cobbled together some conservative fiscal credentials, but Neumann has those and also corners the social conservatives - - and the more Walker runs towards that crowd, the further he moves from some moderate business sector voters in his Milwaukee County base.

To win the GOP nomination, it's a run to the right: For Neumann, not even a stroll, but for Walker, more of a sprint - - then a constant dance to walk that walk.

A messy metaphor, but you get the point. Walker will be in constant motion to spin his way through the primary, while Neumann will simply be Neumann

In a primary, advantage Neumann.

But in a statewide general election, disadvantage Neumann, because Wisconsin is no where nearly as conservative as he is.
He lost a run against Sen. Russ Feingold, and Barack Obama's landslide victory just last November gives Democrats momentum going forward.

I'm not taking anything for granted, but I think it's reasonable to assume that Neumann hurts Walker in the GOP base, but that strength parlays into vulnerability statewide, where few voters joined the teaparties, or define themselves as far to the edge as do Neumann's true-believing core.

[Adding the blogger MAL Contends commentary here.]


  1. You've spent too much of your life on the left to understand anything about the right.

    You present a statement without any factual support.

    Neumann brings nothing special to the table.

  2. "A statement without any factual support."

    I believe that is called an opinion.

    And I have spent a lifetime watching the Right, so mu opinions are based on keen observation.

    Thanks for writing.

  3. Anonymous said...

    You've spent too much of your life on the left to understand anything about the right.

    I have no credentials compared to those of Mr Rowen for understanding politics, but it doesn't really take a genius to understand what remains of the Repubs' base constituents present agenda and platform of, "just say NO."
