Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Waukesha Aldermen Opposed Stimulus Cash For Transit, But...

Would this trio oppose stimulus funding if it were to help pay for Lake Michigan diversion and wastewater pipes, pumps, and related expenses that could all top out at $60 million, or more?

Just asking.


  1. You mean, would they support spending money on a useful project that defrays long-term costs, or would they prefer to spend it on transit and then try to find the cash to maintain it in later budgets....

    Hmmm... see the problem?

  2. I don't have all the facts, but I thought a big water diversion project to Waukesha would demand some operational and maintenance expenses.

    Just asking.

  3. To Dadafone: Yes. See the next post on the blog.
    The question is: whose responsibility is it to fund those costs?

  4. To Dadofone:
    Sorry for the incorrect spelling of the screen ID.
