Friday, March 27, 2009

30% Of City And County Seats On Stimulus Funding Body Unfilled, And More Interesting Facts

Inquiring readers of this blog have asked: who exactly is on the committee managed by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission that has the power to distribute $83 million in federal stimulus funding:

A list is here.

Some highlights:

Scott Walker, who has twisted himself into knots explaining if, and when, and under what circumstances, he might accept stimulus funds, has put himself on the committee as one of five Milwaukee County reps.

But there are two County vacancies, according to a paper handout distributed at the 3/20 meeting, SEWRPC records show.

The City of Milwaukee has one of its five seats unfilled.

The committee has 19 members, a number chosen to represent the Milwaukee urbanized area by population.

Final Question: If population is the way to run a SEWRPC committee that distributes federal funding, why isn't the same formula used to manage the entire commission, rather than the three-votes per county formula.

More about that later.

All the suburban and out-county seats are filled.

1 comment:

  1. and few - possibly none- of the seats are filled by persons of color.
