Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rep. Jeff Wood's OWI Raises Plenty Of Issues

The arrest of State Rep. Jeff Wood, (I-Bloomer) for misdemeanor OWI and drug possession, and the revelation that it is his 3rd OWI, again shows how weak are Wisconsin's OWI laws.

And while I agree with TMJ4 talker Charlie Sykes this morning as he tees off on Wood and the state's lame OWI statutes, I disagree with one thing Sykes said today - - that repeat offernders are the problem, but anyone can acquire a first offense.


For one thing, many people do not drink, period. I've seen estimates of around one-third the population, nationally.

Secondly, there is a fine line and a lot of luck separating a first-time offender from a repeat offender because there isn't a first-time offender caught the very first time he or she drove over the limit.

Finally - - you have to drink a lot to get over the limit, and if you think that's not true, you really shouldn't be out driving after drinking - - ever - - because you are the problem.


  1. The issue is deeper than people like to drink or our laws are to weak. It also involves that fact the people like to drive and are actually encouraged (zoning, sprawl, "freedom") to do so.

    I've heard people refer to driving or their car as "freedom" so when you go to take their keys away (I've tried too many times) it is as if you're challenging their beliefs.

    A simpler approach don't, drive to the bar. Period.

    Walk, cab, bus or don't go.

    PS Sorry as someone who very much enjoys to go out on the town I see this attitude far too often.
