Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain Robocall Assault Will Fail

John McCain told Barack Obama during Wednesday's debate that the Democrat's refusal to appear at national town hall joint appearances was responsible for the wave of negative commercials John McCain had no choice but to unleash.

The new McCain blame game: I'm your fault, and so are you!

Then McCain follows up with a new round of over-the-top negative robocalls.

I'm waiting for McCain to tell Obama this is his fault, too. Maybe for having been born.

Remember how McCain's poll numbers went straight downhill the more negative his campaign became because this time around, voters wanted a substantive message about that wonky, wordy stuff - - like how stave off The Great Depression II, or insuring your family's health if you've lost your job?

Which leads me to predict the deserved failure of the McCain robocall onslaught.

They will not move poll numbers or sway voters because they are just more of the same tacky tactics that the public is rejecting.

And robocalls will fail because people hate them.

From candidates. From the pharmacy. From the dentist.

They break your train of thought, sap your cell phone minutes, and worst of all, make you feel like an idiot for saying "hello" to a recording programmed by a computer for eight cents each.

So bring on the robocalls three weeks before the election, you self-destructive McCain strategists (sic), and drive voters away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting the impression you don't like robocalls. You can see in every move, facial expression and slight of John McCain's that he does indeed think this is all Barack Obama's fault. It's not for being born, though. It's for having a populist vision, for being charismatic and for being presidential. John McCain resents that Barack Obama is doing better with the electorate. He just does not understand why suffering as a prisoner of war over five years for his country is not enough to win their votes now. When he started running he just assumed he would be President, because he was sure the country had not yet matured to the point it could elect the presumable woman or black candidate. He wasn't worried about the other possible but unlikely candidates, like Edwards because Edwards could not even help Kerry by carrying his own home state. McCain just felt it was his time, which at his age he also felt was in the nick of time. He seems to resent that America chose this election year to embrace someone perceived as unelectable just a few years ago. I think that is why he always seems seething around Obama, and can hardly address him. He thinks he got in the way of John McCain/s legacy.
