Friday, October 10, 2008

Many In Waukesha Bare Their Teeth; Not Pretty

A friend from out of state saw the televised images of angry McCain supporters yesterday and wondered if this was the same area that has been demanding Lake Michigan water.

Yes, I told him. Same place.

The mood at the the rally was summed up by a questioner who expressed shock that McCain was running behind.

What? Our guy is behind?

Might we not get what we want this time around?

Fight, fight, fight, the crowd told McCain.

Yes, I told my friend. Waukesha exceptionalism and entitlement were on full display yesterday.

There is a warmer side to Waukesha. I had a pleasant dinner there the other night at the Rochester Deli downtown, where urbanity and charm is everywhere.

But in these hard-getting-harder times, who needs all this rage?

At other recent McCain rallies there have been calls of "off with his [Obama's] head" and worse, and if McCain has tried to calm his supporters, I didn't see it.

Waukesha folk have to stop and think if they are presenting a welcoming, Heartland face to the world, or are they becoming the New Angrytown?

1 comment:

  1. The sad part Jim is they could really give a crap.

    There is that Waukesha and the Larry Nelson. Two different places occupying the same territory.
