Saturday, September 6, 2008

Walker's Transit Stonewall Should Kindle Recall Discussion

Last week the Journal Sentinel editorially labeled Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker the major obstacle to transit progress.

He's again turning down efforts to reach a compromise on transit spending and expansion with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett - - and it's Barrett's constituency that needs the services that the County bus system provides.

At stake is $91.5 million in federal transit funds that have sat, unspent, for 15 years, and have nearly been lost on more than one occasion because of various stalemates and disagreements.

Wedded to right-wing talk radio's irrational opposition to any form of transit that includes a rail, Walker is balking at a split of the funds that would move forward the development of rail transit with a downtown trolley loop.

So the funding sits, losing value, and bus ridership is falling - - while increasing nationally, and Milwaukee is without modern train service of any kind.

It's all or nothing for Walker, and thus for transit users in Milwaukee, leaving the bus system in a death spiral - - and that means two things should happen to finally free the money and bring some transit sanity to Milwaukee:

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel should recall its editorial support from Walker.

And consideration should be given by voters to recalling Walker's from office.

He came in promising reforms after the previous Executive was recalled and quit, yet has run the transit system, a major public asset and lifeline, into the ground, and seems focused, pre-occupied - - obsessed, really - - on preparing for another run for Governor (his '06 primary effort failed) instead of managing the County in the public interest.

Milwaukee County needs an Executive who will give full and comprehensive attention to County government.

And that is not happening.

The local economy is tough enough without the County Executive unwilling to negotiate with the Mayor as workers find it harder and harder to get to jobs being created farther and farther away.

Enough is enough.

It's time to end the charade that Walker is dedicated to performing the duties of County Executive.

There should be that "R" after Walker's name, in parenthesis, and this time, it would stand for more than "Republican."

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