Saturday, September 13, 2008

Using McCain Absentee Voting Mailer Could Delete Voters From Rolls

I had been hearing from voters outside of Milwaukee County that a McCain mailer arriving at their homes contained absentee ballot information that was incorrect.

Bad data can flag your voter registration record. It's a serious problem.

Now the matter has broken into the news, and at least one investigation is underway.

Generous observers are saying the mailers contain errors that are innocent.

Was this a goof? Or voter suppression by GOP goofs?

Either way, it's another problem introduced into the voting process by Republicans, as Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen, also the McCain-Palin state chairman, has filed an 11th-hour monkey-wrenching lawsuit against state election officials designed to steer the November count into limbo, the courts, and the GOP column.

The Journal Sentinel today said Van Hollen's action smelled of partisan mischief, a sentiment obvious to others, too.

Bottom line: get absentee ballot information only from a deputized registrar or County clerk employee, bring ID to the polls so you can defeat a challenge to your ballot on the spot.

And to defeat the GOP ticket, which is more and more flat-out anti-democratic.

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