Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mike Gousha Hosts Great Lakes Compact Discussion Wednesday Noon At Marquette Law School

The future of the Great Lakes will be the topic when Cameron Davis, President and CEO of the Illinois-based Alliance for the Great Lakes, visits the Marquette Law School at noon Tuesday.

The discussion is free and open to the public, though an online registration, is recommended. Reserve your spot now.

Mike Gousha, public policy fellow at the law school, and host of a Sunday newsmaker program on WISN-TV, will interview Davis.

Davis, a lawyer and water policy expert, will discuss the Great Lakes Compact and efforts to address the serious problems posed by invasive species, pollution, and falling lake levels.

Event details:

Wednesday, 9-10-2008, from 12:00 - - 1:00 p.m, at Sensenbrenner Hall, Marquette Law School (12th and Wisconsin Ave., downtown) in Room 325.

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