Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal Sentinel Reports On Civil Rights Complaint Against SEWRPC

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has reported on the civil rights complaint filed by The American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin against SEWRPC, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.

The story first appeared on line Tuesday afternoon, for publication in the hard copy edition Wednesday.

I had noted on my blog earlier that the major mainstream media in Milwaukee and Waukesha had not taken note of the complaint that had been filed with federal officials on August 25th.

A link to an earlier blog posting and the complaint is here.

The Journal Sentinel story notes the complaint's focus on a $25 million highway interchange SEWRPC is recommending that is alleged to be discriminatory against transit users, but does not discuss or focus on other elements of the complaint.

I had summarized those additional items in one of my earlier postings on the complaint:

"On behalf of a coalition of low-income residents, the complaint seeks a federal investigation, federally-ordered changes in representation in SEWRPC committees, and transportation planning by SEWRPC that includes transit services for groups and communities heretofore ignored.

"It asks for a withdrawal of federal funding if SEWRPC failed to comply.'

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