Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Berlin Water Deal Moves Forward: One Question...

The City of New Berlin, knowing a good deal when it sees one, is moving the water sale deal with Milwaukee another step closer to closure.

Notice how fast interest (sic) in buying more expensive water from Oak Creek and/or Racine that was also without Milwaukee's superior ozone treatment disappeared so quickly from consideration?

Here's my question:

Will New Berlin agree to cap its current wells so the aquifer can rebound - - one of the environmental arguments in favor of its accessing Lake Michigan water?

If the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources doesn't require it, New Berlin will be able to fall back on those wells if it wants to push water further west.

Those wells are out of compliance with the current EPA standard for naturally-occurring radium, but the standard can be met with filtration.

New Berlin has said it would not use Milwaukee water to accelerate sprawl to its western acreage, but we'll see.

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