Friday, August 15, 2008

Milwaukee, Area Air Quality Dirtier Than We Knew

Remember all those dirty air alerts our region has been experiencing - - sample from this winter, here - - especially when it comes to the fine particulates that are a serious health hazard?

I'm told that federal authorities have been studying the issue and will include the Milwaukee area and other counties among those facing this serious health risk and falling into non-attainment status by failing to meet standards.

It'll be noteworthy on its own, but also in relation to the plan to widen I-94 south from Milwaukee to the Illinois state line, a plan that will put more particulates in the air.

And also interesting in light of the state's petition to the US Environmental Protection Agency, and pleas by the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, to ease air quality standards in the non-attainment area that includes the Milwaukee region, but now could expand, sources say.

Stay tuned...

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