Sunday, August 10, 2008

Does Bush Still See A Worthy Soul In Putin?

Remember when Pres. George W. Bush looked Vladimir Putin in the eye, got all gushy and saw a decent soul?

Wonder if he's had a chance to do some soul-gazing with Putin as Russian bombers, tanks and ships are flattening the Republic of Georgia?

Can you imagine the outrage on the Right if a Democrat, say, Pres. Bill Clinton got equally captivated by the likes of Putin, only to have pal Putin so whole-and-cold-heartedly slaughter Georgian citizens by the thousands, according to some estimates?

But let's not bother Bush. He's having fun at the Beijing Olympics.


  1. Whoa, whoa, get some facts straight.Those dead were from Georgian forces not Russian. Since the 90's Russia has been the defacto protectorate of the region in question.

    The Georgian dictator had intended to get control of the region. The end result the dead you mentioned. The refugees are leaving by the thousands into Russia, why would they do that if Russia attacked them.

    I always thought Dems did not like genocide, and now you're arguing for it, pathetic.

    Well, it looks like you got one issue you can agree with McCain on.

  2. I have my facts straight. The Russians have launched a huge offensive far beyond the borders of the breakaway enclaves and there are massive numbers of dead and injured.

  3. Just so I understand what a liberal foreign policy will entail.

    1. An independent break away republic since the 90's is attacked by Georgia w/ thousands dead, and over 30,000 refugees.

    2. Georgia has been building up military w/ U.S. resources for the last 5 years so such an attack.

    3. Russia who along with N Ossetia make up the majority of peacemaking troops respond militarily.

    4. 90% of those in S Ossetia are Russian or have dual Russian citizenship.

    5. Russia extends its forces beyond S Ossetia to create a buffer to prevent future attacks. Note very similar to what we did in Iraq when it attacked Kuwait in 91.

    6. A Georgian government source said on Sunday 130 Georgian civilians and military personnel had been killed.

    Even though you are a Dem, I thought you had an independent streak. You are regurgitating propaganda that is weak on the facts.

    Russia going into S Ossetia is akin to us intervening in Pearl Harbor. At the time it was not a state, but just like Russia there was a national interest.

    Please explain to me your defense of Georgia attacking S Ossetia. Going by the corporate media you'd assume that little fact did not happen. S Ossetia has long wanted to be part of Russia, N Ossetia is. Georgia has a very poor track record with its ethnic minorities in regards to human rights.

  4. I'm not regurgitating anyone's propaganda. I'm against aerial bombardment and assault on civilians.

  5. Boys, boys, boys!
    All this arguing about who attacked whom diverts attention from James' original point: that HRH George W. Bush looked deeply into Vlad's eyes (that's right, he actually called him "Vlad") and knew the status of his soul, that is that "Vlad" had a "good soul." The claim of omniscience is a pretty big one coming from a person who appears not to have ever looked at anything "deeply." Nor to have that capability. Lucky for him, then, that he couldn't read Vlad's thoughts: "VOT an idiot!"

  6. I will give you that, me either. I would add I'm not in favor of genocide either. What Georgia did was akin to China sending troops into Taiwan. I take it, you'd be find with that.

    My point is its fine to be against a bombing campaign, I am too. What is inexcusable is to pretend the Georgian act of aggression did not occur. They specifically planned it during the Olympics, and did so with US weapons.

    You are regurgitating propaganda because you are unable to walk and chew gum at the same time.

  7. OK, I think we are at the end of a marginally useful comment thread here. "Proletariat" wants me to plead guilty to being a propagandist regurgitator.

    I'm merely reading media and online news reporting and passing along an observation that Mr. Bush had earlier found Mr. Putin a soulmate.

    To Betsey: Many thanks.
