Friday, August 15, 2008

Bio Fuels Technology Startup Launched At 30th St. Business Incubator

Paradigm Sensors, an award-winning company in a 30th St. industrial corridor business incubator operated by the Northwest Side Community Development Corporation, is poised to make a significant impact in the alternative energy field through the introduction of innovative biodiesel fuel testing equipment, according to company and NWSCDC officials.

This is a first for the green economy in Milwaukee, where alternative energy businesses can create jobs and add value and wealth to the community

The market for alternative fuels has grown significantly in recent years as an alternative to higher-priced traditional motor vehicle fuels that can also reduce the carbon footprint.

Because of this market growth, there is a significant need for efficient testing to ensure that biodiesel products meet producers, engine manufacturers, and users’ specifications.

Using technology developed at Marquette University, Paradigm Sensors’ i-SPEC Q-100 Handheld Biodiesel Analyzer allows users to test in the field for key biodiesel parameters - - in real time.

Biodiesel is currently evaluated by taking a small sample and shipping it to a lab for expensive, time-consuming analysis.

i-SPEC, which offers fast and reliable results, will reduce the time and expense of testing and confirm that the biodiesel on the market is high quality.

R&D Magazine recently selected i-SPEC as a 2008 R&D Award Winner, naming it one of the 100 most technologically significant products introduced into the marketplace during the past year.

As the market for alternative fuels continues to prosper, Paradigm Sensors will expand its contribution to the biofuel community by introducing products that measure other critical fuel components.

Also of note: NWSCDC's Milwaukee Technology Incubator Center, where the i-SPEC is centered, was created through a unique "co-locating" agreement with another fir,, DRS Technologies.

DRS is an anchor for the 30th Street Corridor and is reinvesting in its plant. and growing.

All in all, a great addition to the alternative energy field in Wisconsin, and a coup for Milwaukee and the 30th St. Industrial Corridor.

Check out the company's website at:

(My son Sam works at NWSCDC).

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