Friday, July 25, 2008

Pabst Farm Mall Operators Provide Officials With Private Jet, Tour

The folks trying to get a mall built at Pabst Farms and an interstate ramp paid for mostly with public dollars flew a bunch of Oconomowoc and Waukesha County officials on a whirlwind tour of mall properties down south.

Nice bit of reporting by the Journal Sentinel, by the way.

The Oconomowoc officials ponied up public dollars towards the trip - - and voters there can decide at election time if they approved of the expenditure.

So far, the county crew that went along, including County Executive Dan Vrakas, hasn't paid anything towards its share of the expenses, so as it stands now, for the county guys, it's a junket and day to feel like bigshots.


  1. Nice reporting, except it had all been reported before and after the trip. Waukesha Freeman reported on January 5th, before the trip took place, that the officials were going and Oconomowoc intended to reimburse and Waukesha didn't. Nice to watch the Journal Sentinel get the story six months after the Freeman.

  2. I confess to not reading the Freeman every day, though I do try and see the truncated online version.

    The way you describe the sequence, however, suggests that the Journal Sentinel advanced the story, and that's a good thing.
