Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Do Some Commentators Trivialize Nazis?

And in the case of a Franklin blogger showcased at the Journal Company's site, smear Wisconsin workers at the Department of Natural Resources, and the agency itself, with the Nazi label.

Kevin Fischer, the aforementioned blogger (and fulltime staff aide to State Sen. Mary Lazich, (R-New Berlin) can you explain yourself?

In a discussion of water parks, what is the purpose of this line?

'The Wisconsin wing of the Nazi Party, the DNR did get involved..."

(Full text, below at bottom, fyi.)

We've heard this before over on the Right side of the radio dial, too.

Rush Limbaugh calls feminists "feminazis," and AM620-WTMJ talker Jeff Wagner calls anti-smoking activists the "anti-smoking Nazis."

Is it sick humor (sic)? Ignorance? Sheer stupidity?

Has "Nazi" become just another all-purpose political synonym for "people I don't like?"

Full text of Fischer blog posting;

This Just In...Kevin Fischer is an award-winning veteran broadcaster who has been seen and heard on Milwaukee TV and radio stations for nearly three decades. Kevin, who is a legislative aide to state Sen. Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin), can be seen offering his views on the news on the public affairs program, “INTERchange,” on Milwaukee Public Television Channel 10. He lives with his wife, Jennifer, in Franklin.

Illinois fights back in the waterpark wars

By Kevin Fischer
Friday, Mar 28 2008, 08:15 PM

In most cases pitting developers vs. obstructionists (usually environmentalists run amok) who stand in the way of business, jobs, and progress in general, I typically come down on the side of the developers who perform a common good.

Sure, they stand to make money, but they open the doors for many others to profit. It’s called capitalism, folks.

Despite previous mischaracterizations of my philosophy, I understand a certain degree of time is needed for review, negotiations, permitting, etc., but not an eternity.

Unlike the Franklin Target fiasco that became an endless protest over how often Windex would be applied, there is an honest-to-goodness developer vs. environmentalists case unfolding in Wisconsin that is truly compelling and worth debate.

By way of introduction, head south about 45 miles to Gurnee, the Brussels of the Midwest.

Last month, a new $135 million Florida-themed waterpark called KeyLime Cove opened along I-94 across from the Gurnee Mills shopping mall.

The resort has 414 rooms and suites; the waterpark is 65,000 square feet.

What is your strategy if you just put up a waterpark in Gurnee, Illinois?

You tell Illinois families to stay put.The Chicago Tribune is onboard with a recent article headlined, “Why go to Wisconsin when KeyLime Cove is just 45 minutes away from the city?”

Sure, Wisconsin Dells is the waterpark capital of the world, but Tribune reporter Chris Jones writes, “You still have to pay your tolls and drive about 200 miles. Why not jump straight in the water instead of sucking down fumes on the torturous tarmac of the jane Addams Memorial Tollway?”

The rest of Jones’ article relates the many problems he and his family encountered at a just-opened resort that hasn’t worked out all the kinks yet.

What’s my point?Our neighbor to the south, that just happens to have a much healthier business climate than we do, has just opened a sparkling, spanking brand new resort/waterpark aimed at directly competing for our customers and the dollars they spend.

Here in gigantic slide country, we have waterparks on top of waterparks, but we too are poised to open a sparkling, spanking brand new resort/waterpark, except…………….a bunch of environmentalists have filed lawsuits to try to stop it. (I swear, these people must be an absolute riot at parties).

Plans are in the works to build a $160 million condo/hotel complex, the Grand Cambrian, complete with waterparks, in Wisconsin Dells.

The location is the sticky point, in the pristine, historic lower Dells, right next to a state nature area.This isn’t about whether there will be a place to sit outside Target so I can have my latte and danish and discuss how consistently wonderful Kevin Fischer’s blog is.

We’re talking the lower Wisconsin Dells. Environmentalists reacted like the Tasmanian Devil, literally screwing themselves into the Dells turf.

One of their grievances is that the top floors of the resort will be still be visible to horrified and shocked boaters and canoeists on the Wisconsin River (And I don't think there's a support group for people subjected to this horror).

The Wisconsin wing of the Nazi Party, the DNR did get involved.

(“Now we’re getting somewhere” thought the litigious mob).

Those nasty DNR folks went and approved a permit, with some restrictions.

We’re not done, shouted the busybodies. We’ll go to the state Department of Commerce.

And on and on it goes.

No table and chairs or coffee and crullers will make them go away.Seriously, as I mentioned earlier, this particular case has some interest because it does involve some of the most beautiful natural landscaping in the entire state.

But enviros go too far, throwing themselves on the tracks of economic development.

Meanwhile, in Gurnee, you hear that sucking sound? Those are Wisconsin dollars being scooped into the Illinois coffers.Developers vs. obstructionist environmentalists?

Not even close. Mark me down again with the developers.


  1. The Bush boys and Rushbots cry foul when we tar some of their restrictions on civil rights and advocacy of torture as Fascistic or Nazi-like, but when the shoe is on the other foot, they don't hesitate to drag out the N-word.

    And when people want something that will wean us off the oil teat, AND create high paying, sustainable jobs, such as setting up wind farms and other renewable energy options, or resurrecting passenger rail, you can hear those reactionaries scream about how it is a "wasteful subsidy" and how conservation is nazism.

  2. I'm don't approve of Nazi-like, either.

    Nazis are in a special category.

    You don't need an adjective. If they are advocating torture, then say that.

    I want consistency.

  3. As far as the Dells, the main reason I go there is for the natural beauty. I don't want to see some lux resort poking out above the trees. Thats how it begins. The beauty of the Dells is about all it has going for it. The Nature aspect sets it apart from a place that has just a water park to offer like Gurnee. I think families want both. There are thousands of hotels in the Dells. I think over development is what will push people away from the Dells.
