Monday, March 24, 2008

More Political Ad Fakery: I Blame Scott Walker

No - - we're not reprising Michael Gableman's misleading ad that claimed Justice Louis Butler, when only a public defender, freed a criminal.

Milwaukee County Exec. Scott Walker gets the credit for this whopper, with Xoff blowing the whistle.

His campaign filmed a perfect cross-section of purported Walker supporters and put them in a TV spot - - when in fact, they're actors.

Earlier, the campaign had told The Journal Sentinel the people in the ad were all bona fide Milwaukee County residents.

Or not.

What's a little, er, mistake when it comes to County politics.

Sorta like those budgets Walker fabricates each year.


Or not.

What's a few million bucks either way, a little red ink, blown projections, or cost figures whipped into spreadsheets like so much magic, or cotton-candy?

If you feel the credibility of your local government slipping away, you can blame Scott Walker.

He came into office as a reformer, but reveals himself to be a phony.

Only one term fits: Hypocrite.

1 comment:

  1. Jim> Take a close look at the county budget and you will see that it counts on the sale of park east land to balance the budget even before the sales are final.
