Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Look Again To Chicago-Area Planners' High-Visibility Outreach

I have been posting for the last few days about SEWRPC, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, using its under-the-radar appointment of a new Executive Director as just the latest example of its disregard for genuine public input into its operations.

Summary here.

In one post - - here - - I highlighted the differences between SEWRPC's online and outreach operations with those of CMAP - - the newly-upgraded Chicago area regional planning commission, which like SEWRPC, covers a seven-county region that includes the state's most populous city and county, as well as growing suburban areas.

CMAP is launching a comprehensive, open, results-oriented, publicly-influenced effort to create a plan for its region.

It's got a separate website with details, here.

Can you imagine SEWRPC being able to pull something off like that?

Or being interested enough?

Or, in light of its insiders' process to hand-pick its next leader, and history of dismissing citizen input having the credibility to sell such outreach to the very public it keeps excluding?


  1. Hey I have a blog I'm working on and i need help.... It's on Wildlife conservation.... do you mind helping by being an author?

  2. Feel free to link to, or refer to, anything on this blog if that helps. Sne me something, too, with your URL.
