Friday, November 23, 2007

Wetlands Destruction OK'd In Franklin

It's important to remember when you read this tale of wetlands destruction in Franklin that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - - the protectors of the environment in our state, the regulators, if you will - - allowed this destruction to begin before appeals to prevent it had been fully heard.

Some permitting 'process.'

The wtlands loss - - including some 200 year-old trees in the Franklin Fiasco is 2.6 acres.

A more vigilent DNR methodology and some wetlands improvements to be carried out elsewhere are included in the Franklin settlement.

Doncha think natural wetlands work a wee bit better than the artificial variety, as Milwaukee Area Land Conservancy Vice President Kristen Wilhelm suggests?

The blogger Sprawled Out, based in Franklin, weighs in here.

It's disheartening that the DNR is already reviewing the probable destruction of up to 500 acres of wetlands for the huge expansion of the Murphy Oil refinery in Superior, close to Lake Superior.

Let's hope they remember their regulatory obligatory on the public's behalf before the wetlands destruction begins.

1 comment:

  1. DNR = Destruction of Natural Resources (for the profit of the few, at the expense of the many)
