Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sam McGovern-Rowen Is Running For Alderman in Milwaukee's 3rd District

My wife Susan and I have signed on as enthusiastic volunteers to help our son, Sam McGovern-Rowen, in the campaign he announced yesterday for Alderman in Milwaukee's 3rd District.

The election is in the spring: we couldn't be prouder.

Sam is an unusually bright, energetic, and committed young man who is currently the legislative aide to incumbent 3rd District Alderman Michael D'Amato. Mike disclosed this weekend that he would not seek another term.

Sam and his wife Maureen are the parents of young twin sons. They both are true public servants, as Maureen teaches at Hartford Avenue School. They epitomize the young families that the 3rd District and City of Milwaukee want to attract and need to retain.

60's people (the era, and our ages) like us wonder and worry about what's in store for the generations coming up, and often feel like potential, younger leaders with energy and ideas don't see politics as a desirable activity.

And why not? Politics and campaigns can be nasty, draining, and as a complete zero-sum game, awfully risky.

So having our own son step forward to run for Alderman is reassuring, exciting, downright uplifting - - not just because he is our son - - but because he has all the core principles and personal attributes that can help guarantee that our neighborhood, city and state can continue to prosper.

He is a progressive person who believes in cities - - I mean, really believes in cities - - and in the City of Milwaukee.

He understands that a welcoming and prosperous 3rd District helps Milwaukee succeed, and that a successful city with strong schools, safe streets, cool neighborhoods and a deep 'green' developmental/ environmental ethic is tailor-made for an historic, lakefront urban District like ours.

I think this is a great opportunity for our District - - to have an experienced and broad-minded candidate like Sam wanting to serve.

So we're rolling up our sleeves and getting to work - - not just as proud parents, but as veteran political activists, too.

"McGovern-Rowen For 3rd District Alderman Committee" doesn't have a website yet, but it has an address - - 1914 N. Prospect Ave., Apt. #3, Milwaukee, WI, 53202, and a treasurer who will gladly process donations.

And I'd be happy to forward email or street addresses to the campaign, or questions and suggestions: send them to

And thanks.

(Authorized and paid for by McGovern-Rowen For 3rd District Alderman Committee, John Finerty, Treasurer.)


  1. As someone who may be a little more objective than his father, and who has known Sam since he was about age 2, I heartily concur.

    People could be proud to say he's their alderman. And that happens rarely these days.

  2. "Authorized and Paid for!" Don't tell me you are charging your son's campaign committee to write a blog post about him!
    And, is that John Finerty Senior or Junior?

  3. I put the disclaimer on to make sure I was covering all the bases, but no, no one paid me for that.
    I believe John Jr.


    GO SAM!!!
