Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Madison Would Do Well To Name A School After Gaylord Nelson

There is a move afoot to name a new elementary school in Madison after Gaylord Nelson.

That's an excellent idea. While there are many good suggestions - - you can send your comments in support of Nelson through a web link, here.

Just click on his name.

As Nelson's warnings about the need for environmentalism grow more relevant daily, what better way in Madison could there be than institutionalize the man and his message in an educational setting.

Another reminder is here.


  1. An excellent idea.

    Nelson lived in Madison from 1947-63, and is recognized internationally as one of the leading environmentalists of the 20th century. A panel of experts asked by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to rate the most significant Wisconsin people of the 20th century ranked him fourth -- behind Bob LaFollette, Aldo Leopold and Frank Lloyd Wright.

    He is an obvious choice.

  2. Gaylord cared about all environmental issues, but his paramount concern was that America's students receive a superb environmental education. I can think of no more fitting tribute to him than a school -- ideally, a green school that introduces its pupils to learning experiences in the natural environment at a young age.

  3. Is it only me who sees the irony here. Sort of like building Chavez with non-union labor. BTW, I think its great to name a school after Nelson, its a school out of sprawl that I take issue with.
