Friday, November 16, 2007

Courts Getting The Green Message

A federal appeals court threw out the current ineffective fuel economy standards for light trucks, essentially sending the program back for better standards that have a relationship to the real world.

This is another good step in pushing manufacturers to build more efficient vehicles, and could have been done years ago, saving the planet from some of the greenhouse emissions now contributing to global warming, and conserving gasoline that now costs premiums reflected by excess demand.


  1. I guess the judges and yourself have engineering degrees, or you just want to severly limit consumer choice. Many people who buy large trucks and SUV's use them for a particular purpose, to tow a boat, trailer, haul heavy payload, etc. If the CAFE standards are raised too high, there is no way under existing technology, that these vehicles will meet the new standards. All of the autocompanines have already said this. I would rather see an increase in the gas tax than increased CAFE standards. Large families, who now drive one large car will be forced to drive 2 small ones.

    I support the Terry-Hill amendment that is in the house of Reps. At least this is common sense, not like what the Senate did.

  2. GM and Ford and the other manufacturers of light trucks and SUV's have the technology to make these improvements. It's not as dire or the either/or situation that you describe.

    The judges ruling is about legal error and process and the companies can comply.

  3. James:

    What technology exists that would substantially increase fuel economy, to comply with the new standards, but would not limit the functionality of the SUV's and trucks? I mean, there is no way Surburban that can tow 10,000 lbs will be able to get 30mpg.

    I agree that the automakers should produce cars and trucks that obtain the highest level of efficiency without limiting the functionality.

    I have a boat which I trailer, so I have a Yukon XL, because of its towing capacity. I try to only drive it when necessary and will not drive it into the city. I am affraid with what I read at and that these proposed CAFE increases will limit or stop my ability to purchase a new truck when the time is right. Again, I totally agree with increased efficiency, but I do not think that limiting consumer choice is the answer, which the auto companies have already stated that would happen. As has Soloman Brothers, which monitors that auto industry.
