Tuesday, August 21, 2007

George W. Bush: Key Democratic Organizer

Pres. George W. Bush blocks states from extending health insurance to some children.

It's more important to keep as many Americans in their for-profit health care plans than it is to make sure families have affordable health care - - for the kids.

That's keeping your priorities in line.

Watch his few remaining Republican supporters desert him before the 2008 elections.

Watch Karl Rove's "permanent majority" fully disappear.


  1. I would like to know when a 25 year old became a child?

  2. James:

    This bill is not just "for the kids", unless you count a 24-25 year old a kid. This bill also extends kids that are middle income to be covered under this plan, instead of lower income children that it was originally intended for.

    If this program is for lower income children (0-17), then I would agree with it, but it extends the scope of children and raises the income limits.

  3. The goal is coverage. It's a better process than a young person in bankruptcy due to a medical emergency or declining treatment, leading to worse consequences down the road.

    The states wouldn't be doing patchwork programming, but the private insurers and medical establishment blocks universal coverage for all Americans.

  4. James:

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Government reimbursement rates are far less than what standards are, and what should be paid. The Senate version, is cutting physician reimbursements to pay for this bill. At least the house version is a little better.

    Stop wiht your left wing talking points. The AMA supports a medicare for all approach, they just want it properly funded, which currently the Government will not do. This is why some in the medical community are against the senate version.

    I think you should stick with your environmental issues, at least you have some knowledge it that area.
