Thursday, June 28, 2007

Get Involved In Push For Healthy Wisconsin Initiative

One Wisconsin Now points the way to citizen involvement in health care reform:

This week, the Senate Democrats introduced Healthy Wisconsin: Your Choice, Your Plan.

Healthy Wisconsin is a comprehensive health care reform bill to guarantee high-quality, affordable health care for every Wisconsin worker and every Wisconsin family.

Healthy Wisconsin is an idea whose time has come.
Healthy Wisconsin will

Allow you to choose your doctor and provider

Offer the same high-quality health care benefits as your state legislators

Provide coverage for every Wisconsin worker and every Wisconsin family
Serve as an affordable way to provide health care while asking everyone to pay their fair share

Healthy Wisconsin is currently under debate in the State Assembly. Contact your Assembly Representative and encourage him or her to support Healthy Wisconsin.

Health Care is a right, and Wisconsin families have a right to health care.
Act Now and support Healthy Wisconsin!

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(Note: I am on OWN's board.)


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  4. The poor people in Wisconsin may benefit from the ridiculous Healthy Wisconsin plan but people that make any money won't. With this so called reform I would pay more than double for premiums and I would have to pay higher copays and deductibles and go back to using a Primary care physician. And, you may have more of the facts, but from what I have seen of the cost of this plan I will do whatever I can to oppose this. The FAQ's for the plan state the average family would pay a $100.00 a month. I highly doubt the average family is living on 2,500.00 a month. But, if they are the high income and property taxes charged in Wisconsin probably have more of an impact than the cost of health insurance. I do not own a business either, but I certainly hope, if they have more clout on this bill, that they all get together and oppose this idea. I am a Republican and it is usually a Democratic plan that costs we citizens more money in the long run to take care of others who can't or won't. I am guessing you are a Democrat and I don't mean to offend, but I became a Republican because I was tired of paying for lazy people's welfare.

  5. I was disappointed in the last remark. It's so stereotyped.

    I know hard-working people who pay thousands a month for insurance because of so-called "pre-existing conditions," and there are many other examples of poor plans or inequitable "tiers" of coverage and the covered that are all bad for the state and the residents, too.

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