Monday, February 5, 2007

Ice Mountain Water Is From Michigan

Ran into Ice Mountain bottled water again at a meeting, so here's a little history about this Nestle's bottled water brand:

The water is not from an ice mountain.

It is from a spring near Stanwood, Michigan, elevation 291 ft.

Not what looks to be the Rocky Mountains or the Alps on the Ice Mountain label.

Remember when Perrier wanted to bottle Wisconsin water and ship it far and wide? After that plan was defeated, the effort moved to Michigan, where Nestle's resurrected the bottling scheme in 2002 and named the Great Lakes basin water Ice Mountain.

The issue is still controversial, as there is a major loophole for bottled Great Lakes basin water contained in the US-Canada Great Lakes Compact now being review for implementation in all eight Great Lakes states and two Canadian provinces.

Activists in Wisconsin are trying to close the loophole, and counterparts in Michigan are still trying to shut down the Ice Mountain operation.

A final note: City of Milwaukee tapwater, now filtered with state-of-the-art ozone gas treatment, is the purest tap water in America, and a heck of a better bargain than Ice Mountain or the other bottled waters.

City of Milwaukee tap water comes without the export/diversion controversy, and doesn't leave behind plastic bottles, either.


  1. Dasani water is from Silver Spring Drive.

  2. And to think – the ‘purest tap water in America’ was the result of how many deaths and hundreds of thousands of innocent victims in twisted gastro-intestinal paralysis. Oh, how innovation, lawsuits, death and piles of pooh can change a broken quality control system. Thanks Mayor Norquist.

  3. Do you know where I can find "Milwaukee Tap Water"? My store in Waukesha doesn't carry that brand.

  4. The thing is Ice Mountain bottled water DOES NOT contain fluoride. So that is the difference between Ice Mountain and tap water.
