Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Breaking News: Tommy's Odds in Iowa Caucuses: 35-1.

Tommy Thompson's odds of winning the Iowa GOP caucuses have been set at 35-1 by a political website in that bellweather presidential campaign state.

Details are available at:

http://www.caucuscooler.blogspot.com (cut and paste the link; sorry about that).

So I was wrong earlier when I called Tommy's campaign "invisible" - - here's where the Caucus Cooler says you can spot him (Caucus Cooler's disclaimers and credit line below):

Mitt Romney 3-1
John McCain 3-1
Rudy Giuliani 5-1
Sam Brownback 14-1
Mike Huckabee 16-1
Tommy Thompson 35-1
Newt Gingrich 40-1
Field 40-1
Tom Tancredo 45-1
Jim Gilmore 60-1
Chuck Hagel 98-1
George Pataki 99-1
Duncan Hunter 100-1
John Cox 998-1

(The Cooler line is an exclusive creation of Caucus Cooler and will be updated as the political environment changes.

It is an unscientific assessment of the Iowa Caucus (not the Presidential race as a whole) from an insiders view at the given time. The line IS NOW mathematically accurate but is NOT intended for gambling purposes. Information may only be reproduced with credit to the Caucus Cooler.)

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