Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hearing Suder PSC Appointment Being Pulled; More Moves Ahead

GOP musical chairs. Suder to the Wisconsin Paper Council. Walker loyalist Rep. Jeff Stone, (R-Greendale), lead backer of voter ID and a defeated candidate to replace Walker as Milwaukee County Executive, now gets his pay and pension boosted by the $94,000 PSC job former State Rep. Scott Suder is abandoning.


  1. Only three day in on the job! Boy. They must really want this to go away.

  2. wonder what dots connect to this story:

    Could it be possible that our voucher programs, the WEDC and United Sportsmen's grant are all part of a heavily interwoven money laundering scheme? I don't know. Can only speculate. But it does seem pretty fishy, given all the connections.

    "Just make it go away"...

  3. Possible, CJ? I'd argue that it's PROBABLE that it's money laundering. Don't forget that some of the money Tim Russell stole from the vets in Milwaukee County went to "Walker for Gov" websites. And remember the clear connections between Walker donations and WEDC tax credits, along with pay-to-play appointments of hacks like Ted Nickel and Brian Deschane after big donations from them and their family members.

    And the fact that they took another partisan GOP hack like Jeff Stone to replace Suder tells me there's a deal in the works involving the PSC that they don't want anyone with independence to find out about.

    It's independent investigation time, and every decent Wisconsinite should scream "Cover up!" until it happens.

  4. Jake- Please feel free to share the link and our shared concern that all may be connected.

    It also makes me wonder if it can be connected to the Vukimir/ALEC scandal.

    I was stating thngs gently as not to offend some of the more "sensitive" readers. I think it's highly likely as well.

    Maybe we can shoot this over to Rolling Stone, WaPo or Vanity Fair. They are not afraid to take on the bigger world of politics and have a budget to do so.

    James, your thought?

  5. Take a read on pages 18-20 of the Tim Russell criminal complaint, and you'll see the "scottforgov"-type sites.

    Also remember that the first conviction in the John Doe was from Wisconsin and Southern Railroad's president, who gave excessive contributions and funneled them through to employees. WSOR also got a massive grant from the state to upgrade tracks before the guilty plea.

    It is incomprehensible that Walker is out of the loop on these things.
