Thursday, July 21, 2016

Glad to see new Wisconsin water coalition

We are excited to announce the launch of It's Your Water Wisconsin, a statewide campaign giving voice to citizens who love our water and want it protected. The Central Sands Water Action CoalitionRiver Alliance of Wisconsin, and Wisconsin Lakes invite all groups and individuals who agree with the principles of this campaign to sign on, and to share far and wide so our voice is strong and our message is heard. Learn more and sign on here. 

You already know about the threats to your water and the importance of having good polices in place to make sure we all have access to clean and plentiful water. This campaign will show how many people from around the state care about their water by offering a common voice and mechanism for participation. 

We will also be collecting stories about why people love their water and how their water has been impacted. Please go to the It's Your Water WisconsinFacebook and Twitter pages to share your stories and be sure to use the tag #itsyourwaterwisconsin.

And know that when we say water, we mean all of the water in Wisconsin. We mean groundwater, lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands. We mean water for business, water for agriculture, water for recreation and water for drinking. We mean a public right to clean and plentiful water. We mean protecting this shared resource for all of us and for the State of Wisconsin, where water is truly the cornerstone of our lifestyle and our economy.

Thank you for helping to protect Wisconsin's water resources!


Anonymous said...

Who needs clean water when I can swill $2 six-packs of beer and bath with manure lagoon run-offs. Haven't ya heard? Wisconsin is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see this.