Monday, December 21, 2015

WI water crises pollute the water table, public policies

Wisconsin is in the midst of a water crisis with its roots in politics, policy and profits.


Look no further than Kewaunee County, WI, in the year 2015:
One-third of wells in Kewaunee County unsafe for drinking water


  1. Walker sees no value in education nor forward thinking. If pollution leads to profits he cares less if someone's drinking water is not fit to drink. This massive pollution by "BIG" agri-business is a thumbnail sketch of what Walker has in store for all of Wisconsin. He sees the rape of our natural resources and environment as an acceptable cost of "CAPITALISM"....profits at all costs, of doing business! This governor poses an extreme threat to all of us as he simply finds no value in science as it applies to our ecosystem.

  2. Kewaunee County went for Walker 62% - 36% in 2014.

    1. Exactly. This is a direct result of their foolish voting habits. You wanted Fitzwalkerstan, you got it.

      Either accept having undrinkable water or VOTE DIFFERENTLY. Those are your choices

    2. Wasn't that also one of the county's under investigation by that group for vote flipping?

  3. Wslkerites? Let them drink poop then. He really did literally take a dump on them.

  4. Excellent point, Sue Re "Kewaunee County went for Walker 62% - 36%."

    I believe all the clean water advocates need to break from politcal convention and state in clear terms: Scott Walker and the Republicans are a grave threat now to the health of your families and clean water in Wisconsin and associated watersheds.

  5. I don't usually think about the people who live in places where the water is too polluted to drink. I think about the resource and the fact that it belongs to all of us. A few are destroying what belongs to all of us to increase their personal profit. It doesn't matter if you live in NE WI or not. The water being polluted belongs to all of us and it is outrageous that these people are allowed to pollute it without being held accountable.
