Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WI GOP, serving Walker and donors, sinks to new depth

After the Act 10 bomb, after Walker's two-faced embrace of 'right-to-work,' and a host of other legislative and policy sops to corporations and developers, comes this sneaky new hit to working-and-middle-class laborers' wages in Wisconsin by legislators gerrymandered into near-perpetual power:
Prevailing wage repeal may be tucked into state budget


Anonymous said...

This is what Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WTMJ, and the rest of Wisconsin's media endorsed and advocated form. Some, like MJS, with a nudge nudge wink wink pretend to wring there hands and publish half-hearted op-eds that Walker should magically repeal the gerrymandering. They new the agenda that Walker represents, nor have they truthfully reported that it is essentially impossible for Dems to wrestle back majorities in legislature. Doing so will require historical margins of victory of 60% or more. It is a fact, entirely under-reported, that Republicans were not elected with majorities in the legislation and have no mandate for there divisive agenda.

Anonymous said...

No mention in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . . .

Anonymous said...

This is interesting because the majority of public projects wil be contracted to out of state firms where wages are lower. This wil have a direct negative impact on the very association promoting it, the Associatation of Building Contractors or ABC.
Bottom line, lower wages equals lower state taxes paid, less revenue for state and local projects. More exported jobs.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Republican legislators in Wisconsin look at the economic downturn in this state over the past 4 years and want to continue more of the same. DO THEY NOT LOOK AT THE EMPLOYMENT NUMBERS, DO THEY NOT LOOK AT THE DROP IN INCOMES OF MOST WISCONSINITES SINCE THEY GAINED LEGISLATIVE CONTROL? Do they not comprehend that the working and middle class are the job creators by virtue of their consumption and if these people see their earnings fall that have no choice but to consume less?

Anonymous said...

Legislators have their secure state income, their investments and other income, as well as constant donations from supporters. I have yet to see a GOP lawmaker who has any genuine concern for ordinary working people. It's their theme: "My friends and I have ours, and that's all that matters."