Friday, June 1, 2012

Right-Wing Talk Show Host Agrees With Callers Attacking Mike Gousha

Here's some breaking 'news' - - righty talker Jeff Wagner agrees with the conservative callers he stirred up alleging WISN-TV debate host Mike Gousha was biased last night against Scott Walker.


Is there anything more painfully ironic than a right-wing talk show host, on a radio station dedicated to right-wing talk programming teeing up his conservative callers to complain about bias and one-sided media?

Also quite revealing - - Wagner chose not to correct a caller a few minutes before 1 p.m. who said it was unfair that Gousha referenced a Thursday evening Journal Sentinel "opinion piece" about Walker and the John Doe, when Wagner knew very well that it what Gousha mentioned was a news story.

Wagner knows the difference. Didn't educate the woman who called and the others listening in.

So there's your talk radio bias.


Reagan's Disciple said...


The big difference is that the guys on the radio consistently admit their own bias as conservatives.

I hope people are not going to hold their breath waiting for Gousha to tell everyone he is from the Democrat Party.

James Rowen said...

@RD. Bull.

Bert said...

That hilarious pretense that "we are merely the mirror (opposite) image of liberal media, but are more virtuous because we admit conservative bias" never gets old. As if Joy Cardin or Carol Meekins hosts fund-raisers for the left equivalent of Sarah Palin. Or Toya Washington is broadcasting statements such as "you need to call 10 of your friends and ensure that they have cast their ballot for Tom Barrett"

RD said...


It is a good start in that you at least admit to a liberal media.

Belling, Sykes, Wagner, McKenna etc... all fully admit their conservative bias. They say it on the air all of the time. I wouldn't say they are more virtuous, but they are certainly not attempting to hide which side of the political spectrum they come down on.