Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Walker, Van Hollen's Re-Discriminate Tour

[7:02 p.m. update - - Fresh Walker disrespect for equal rights and state citizens through bureaucratic trickery and paperwork shenanigans will only help drive Walker from office.]

It's outrageous that GOP Governor Walker and sidekick Attorney General Van Hollen are fighting to 'defend' the state constitution by using state funds to find judges who would validate constitutional language already ruled illegally discriminatory by a US District Court.

How would we feel if they used our money to tried to resurrect codes or laws that allowed homeowners to refuse to sell to religious minorities, or that barred women from voting, or let lunch counter operators refuse to serve African-Americans?

Public officials should be fighting discrimination, not advocating for its re-establishment.


Anonymous said...

You miss an important point -- republicans do not care that gays vote (and they know many closet gays DO vote repub) but they don't want African Americans to vote.

Ralph said...

Anon and James, What is even worse is that Dems do not respect or value any constitution, whether federal or state.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Right, Ralph. Sure.

Show me where the constitution says gays can't marry.