Sunday, July 3, 2011

Iron Mine Story Gets Sunday Play In Journal Sentinel

Glad to see the state's biggest paper elevating the proposed Northern Wisconsin iron mine story out of the blogs - - mine included - - and Facebook and into the media mainstream.

Online media will continue to spread the word.

Xoff is a great source, and Facebook users can find information at Band Together To Save The Penokees's. 


Dave said...

Agreed. A couple of questions:

1. Have the properties that will be directly affected by mining operations (e.g. pit, processing sites, waste disposal sites, etc.) been taxed under the Managed Forest Law up to this point? If so, how does taking these acres out of MFL affect the need to pay back taxes?, and;

2. If the Walker Administration guts water quality laws, does USEPA have the jurisdiction to revoke WDNR's delegated authority under the CWA? If not, what would constitute sufficient grounds for EPA to revoke DNR's permitting authority?; and (opps, there are 3 questions):

3. Does ACOE have any jurisdiction in this case?

Thanks for your coverage of the environmental issues facing the state.

Anonymous said...

lol. James, he wants to hire you as unpaid Research Assistant/Paralegal.

Dave, there is Craigslist for that.