Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Train Derailment Is "Stick It To Milwaukee AND Madison"

Republicans in or at the door of the Governor's Mansion have done it again.

Remember when Gov.Tommy Thompson was barreling around up north, and urged out-state legislators and their constituents to "stick it to Milwaukee" with the five-county sales tax to close the stadium deal?

Now it's Scott Walker's turn: he used the train issue to gin up votes at Milwaukee and Madison's mutual expense.

Milwaukee and Madison would have benefited greatly from high-speed rail, with new or refurbished stations, access for riders, better connections for workers and scholars headed to Chicago or to the Twin Cities.

And while the benefits would have accrued statewide, the more immediate added value was in Milwaukee and Madison.

Both Democratic strongholds.

So knifed by Walker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Jimmy remains stuck on a train.

We have all moved on.

Please update your website.

It's no faster than those that ran in the 40's.

It's no cheaper either.

Do you actually have a point?

Grow up Jimmy!